About this publication

Absolute figures on population development are published on an ongoing basis in our StatBank. To facilitate comparisons over time, an expanded set of demographic indicators will in future also be available at StatBank Greenland. Here, the calculation methods used are described and documented. The data basis for the calculations can be found in StatBank Greenland. Calculation methods are documented through the program code, which calculates the individual indicators. The program code can be run with the free statistical analysis program R.

There are a couple of r-packages on the R-project’s website: Cran - which can be used to retrieve figures from StatBank Greenland.

Statistics Greenland has developed its own r-package to support internal standardized r-programming. The R package is available on Github: ( StatisticsGreenland/statgl ) and can be installed with the command - devtools :: install_github (“StatisticsGreenland / statgl”)

A prerequisite for this way of working is StatBank Greenland’s api. Statistics Greenland uses PxWeb, which is primarily developed by the Swedish Statistics Office in collaboration with many national statistics offices. Statistics Greenland has participated and contributed to this work since 1993.

On demographic method, see in Danish only Teoretisk Demografi, PC Matthiessen 1970